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What is iMessage, its Benefits over SMS, and How to Use it?

Anjali Arya
February 17, 2024
Unlock the power of iMessage: a secure, cost-effective, and feature-packed messaging solution exclusive to Apple devices. Boost your messaging experience with end-to-end encryption, location sharing, voice memos, and interactive features. Stay connected anytime, anywhere.

Do you wonder why some of your iPhone texts show up in blue bubbles while others linger in green ones? Worry not, dear reader—this color disparity merely denotes iMessage versus Standard SMS exchanges. Blue bubbles signify iMessages, reserved solely for communication between Apple devices, while green indicates run-of-the-mill SMS intended for cross-platform compatibility.

Understanding iMessage

Launched in tandem with iOS 5, iMessage emerged as a trailblazing, free, and ultra-secure messaging app for Apple enthusiasts. Exclusively available on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac laptops, iMessage transcends geographical boundaries thanks to its Wi-Fi compatibility. Effortlessly transmit messages, videos, photos, and even stickers to fellow Apple aficionados sans cell data—just ensure a stable internet connection.

Differences Between iMessage and SMS

Equip yourself with the knowledge of fundamental differences separating iMessage and SMS. Armed with this awareness, determine the ideal choice tailored to your circumstances.

SMS (Short Message Service):

  1. Reliant on cellular networks
  2. Requires purchasing a texting plan with a phone carrier
  3. Can't function over Wi-Fi


  1. Operates over Wi-Fi
  2. Escapes the clutches of cellular plans
  3. Needs a stable internet connection

Advantages of iMessage

Although some users dismiss iMessage, it offers valuable advantages worth contemplating:

  1. End-to-End Encryption: Safeguard your confidential conversations with rock-solid encryption.
  2. Location Sharing: Share your precise coordinates, expedite meetups, or monitor a loved one's arrival progression.
  3. Voice Memos: Opt for hands-free communication with voice notes.
  4. Message Confirmation: Be privy to message delivery acknowledgement and read receipts.
  5. Typing Indicator: Anticipate incoming replies with typing signals.
  6. Interactive Features: Spruce up dull dialogues with funky stickers, entertaining GIFs, and melodious tracks.
  7. Secure Payment Exchange: Integrate your Apple Pay account for swift, secure fund transfers.
  8. Multi-Device Support: Enjoy iMessage on tablets, watches, and desktops.
  9. Undo Send: Rectify erroneously fired messages posthaste.

Say Goodbye to Roaming Fees

Traveling internationally? Avoid pricey roaming charges and leverage iMessage's Wi-Fi prowess. Remain plugged into your social circles despite residing overseas. Besides, iMessage synchronizes with the cloud, preserving precious memories upon acquiring a novel device.

Utilizing iMessage as an Apple user provides a secure, economical, and engaging approach to communicate with your social circle. Bear in mind, however, that iMessages differ from SMS messages; therefore, familiarize yourself with its functioning to pick the most suitable method for your financial situation and relationships.

Written by:
Anjali Arya
Product & Analytics, SuprSend

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