Send alerts tailored to your customer’s needs

Deliver a customized notification experience to your customers with SuprSend's multi-tenant solution. No need to manage unique brand settings, customizations and preferences in your code.

Get Started For Free

Cater to your customers' unique preferences and needs

Manage tenants' configurations easily

Store all your tenant settings, like branding elements (logo, colors, social links), and notification preferences outside code, and dynamically send custom notifications on behalf of your tenants.

Customize templates as per your tenants' needs

Send branded notifications with your customer's header, footer, and more, all through configurable templates. And why stop there? Customize template  for every customer, taking personalization one step ahead.

Route through customers' brand handles

Send notifications with your customers’ brand handles, like email domains and short codes in text messages. This elevates user engagement since they connect with your customer's brands.

Empower your customers to set preferences for their end users

Allow your customers to set notification preferences for their end users with. SuprSend Preference module. Offer preference control at different hierarchies - your business, tenant and end user.

Unlock complete notifications observability for your users

Provide notification logs and performance to your customers within your product with the support of data export and APIs.

Let your users setup communication inside your product

Embed SuprSend's advanced notification capabilities inside your product, empowering your users to configure notification workflows directly within your platform.

Build customized multi-tenant notifications with ease

Seamlessly incorporate branding, vendor routing, preferences, and custom content for each customer. Plus, empower your users to send notifications directly from your platform.

On-Brand templates

Deliver white-labeled notifications tailored to your customer's brand style.

Customized content for your tenants

Send unique template content for each tenant, allowing for more than just styling adjustments.

Empower tenants to create their specific engagement notifications

Enable your tenants to launch one-off campaigns, such as offers and product updates, directly from within your platform.

Send notifications with customer's brand handles

Route notifications on behalf of your customers’ providers, their email domain and SMS headers.

Accelerate notification development while delivering superior user experience

SuprSend provides power of code & no-code, along with built-in components, so you can deliver the best notification experience without extensive in-house development.

Unify all notifications in one place

Reduce complexity of managing multiple systems in code with right abstractions. Centralize notifications across all channels, products & teams.
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Craft personalized messages with Visual Template Engine

Get a powerful template engine to make notifications personalized & consistent with your brand. Completely eliminate template management & rendering in code.
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Allow users to control notification preferences

SuprSend provides ready-made UI components and APIs for notification preferences so your users can decide which notifications they want to receive, and on which channels.
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Developers-first notification platform

Single API to send notifications on all channels
SDKs available in all major languages
Comprehensive documentation
Ready components and headless library available to build beautiful UI
Seamless Integration with leading channel providers and third party platforms
const { Event } = require("@suprsend/node-sdk");
const distinct_id = "0fxxx8f74-xxxx-41c5-8752-xxxcb6911fb08”;
const event_name = "product_purchased”;
const properties = {
"order_id" : "123456",
"amount" : "$4900"
const event = new Event (distinct_id, event_name, properties, {brand_id : "default", idempotency_key = "__uniq_request_id__"});
const response  = supr_client.track_event(event);response.then((res) => console.log("response", res));
from suprsend import Event
distinct_id = "0fxxx8f74-xxxx-41c5-8752-xxxcb6911fb08”
event_name = "product_purchased”
properties = {
"order_id" : "#123456",
"amount" : "$4900"
event = Event (distinct_id = distinct_id, event_name = event_name, properties = properties, idempotency_key = "__uniq_request_id__", brand_id = "default")
response = supr_client.track_event(event)
import suprsend.Suprsend;
import Suprsend.Event;
public class Event {
public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
private static Subscriber trackEvent() throws SuprsendException {
Suprsend suprsendClient = new Suprsend("_workspace_key_", "_workspace_secret_");
String distinctId ="0fxxx8f74-xxxx-41c5-8752-xxxcb6911fb08";
String eventName = "product_purchased";
JSONObject eventProps = new JSONObject()
.put("amount", "$4900");
Event e = new Event(distinctId, eventName, eventProps);
JSONObject response = suprClient.trackEvent(e);
package main
import (

func main() {
ev := &suprsend.Event {
Event name: "product purchased",
DistinctId: "0fxxx8f74-xxxx-41c5-8752-xxxcb6911fb08",
Properties: map[string]interface{}{
"order_id" : "#123456",
"amount" : "$4900"
_, err = suprClient.TrackEvent(ev)
if err != nil {
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer SS.wAxxxxxxxx' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '
"distinct_id" : "0fxxx8f74-xxxx-41c5-8752-xxxcb6911fb08",
"event" : "product_purchased",
"properties" : {
"order_id" : "#123456",
"amount" : "$4900"

Implement a powerful stack for your notifications

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