While Channels are the same, Notifications aren't

SuprSend provides you everything you need to send notifications that users love: composable in-app notifications, flexible preferences, observability and logging. All within one developer-first platform.

Discover how SuprSend differs from Clevertap

While both platforms deliver alerts, they aren’t designed for the same use-case. Discover how SuprSend differs from Clevertap.

Build Cross-Channel Notification Workflows with Ease

With unified Workflows API, define sequential notification logic, incorporating triggers, functions, branches, and delivery nodes, enabling multi-channel notification journeys tailored to user events, lists, or backend actions.

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Gain Observability for Each & Every Notification

No need to guess whether a notification was delivered to a particular recipient. With a robust observability layer in logs, conduct RCAs down to the user level confidently.

Design native In-app Experience & Retain Users

Reach users at peak engagement with contextual notifications via the in-app notification center. Drive user retention and business growth effectively.

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Pricing that Scales with You

And the biggest advantage of SuprSend over Clevertap is it’s flexible pricing.

Unlike other marketing automation tools that impose fixed annual cost lock-ins regardless of usage fluctuation, SuprSend liberates you from annual commitments, allowing flexible scaling as your business expands, with pay-as-you-go pricing.
Annual Pricing
Annual Pricing
Annual Pricing

Compare features of Clevertap vs SuprSend

Here is an overview of how the two products stack up against each other in terms of features and integration effort.




Built for
Marketers/ Customer Retention teams
Engineers/ Product Teams
Notification Types
Best for one-time messaging, promotional/ lifecycle messaging for retention, marketing notifications
Best for transactional notifications, product-related notifications, complex use-cases such as collaborative notifications demanding batching, retention messages, cohort-based messages
Inapp or website events and charged events supported
Universal, your events could come from codebase, inapp/ website, CDPs, data warehouses, CRM and even scheduled tasks
User Creation/ Update/ Deletion
via API, SDK, CSV upload, SFTP
via API, SDK, CSV upload
Notification Logs
Not at user level or channel level
At user, channel and campaign level
Multi-tenancy/ Whitelabelling
Not available
User Preferences
Only at channel level
Available at channel/ notification type/ frequency/ digests level
Notifications Batching
Not supported
Supported (can save your costs)
Based on demographics or user attributes
Based on demographics and custom-defined user attributes
Vendor Routing for Fallback
Not Supported
Multi-channel Message Routing
Not Supported
Supported (ensures higher seen rates)
Channels Supported
Push, Email, SMS, Whatsapp, In-app, Signed Call, Web messaging
Email, SMS, Push, In-app, Whatsapp, Slack, Teams, Discord, Webhooks, Web
CI/ CD, CLI support
Not Supported
Supported (to integrate with devs workflow)
HTTP GET request support
Not Supported
Built for
Engineers/ Product Teams
Marketers/ Customer Retention teams
Notification Types
Best for transactional notifications, product-related notifications, complex use-cases such as collaborative notifications demanding batching, retention messages, cohort-based messages
Best for one-time messaging, promotional/ lifecycle messaging for retention, marketing notifications
Universal, your events could come from codebase, inapp/ website, CDPs, data warehouses, CRM and even scheduled tasks
Only inapp or website events and charged events supported
User Creation/ Update/ Deletion
via API, SDK, CSV upload
via API, SDK, CSV upload, SFTP
Notification Logs
At user, channel and campaign level
Not at user or channel level
Multi-tenancy/ Whitelabelling
Not Available
User Preferences
Available at channel/ notification type/ frequency/ digests level
Only at channel level
Notifications Batching
Supported (can save your costs)
Not Supported
Based on demographics and custom-defined user attributes
Based on demographics or user attributes
Vendor Routing for Fallback
Not Supported
Multi-channel Message Routing
Supported (ensures higher seen rates)
Not Supported
Channels Supported
Email, SMS, Push, In-app, Whatsapp, Slack, Teams, Discord, Webhooks, Web
Push, Email, SMS, Whatsapp, In-app, Signed Call, Web messaging
CI/ CD, CLI support
Supported (to integrate with devs workflow)
Not Supported
HTTP GET request support
Not Supported

Built for Developers with API-first approach


Decouple your templates from code by creating and managing them centrally via dashboard or API.


Manage multiple tenants or user groups within a single system, ensuring data isolation and customized experiences with templates, preferences, vendors and more.

Isolated Environments

Prevent live testing risks. Establish separate staging and production environments for better control and stability.

Lists / Cohorts from Data Warehouse

Access your data warehouse in real-time to synchronize user cohorts for campaign and broadcast delivery via API calls.

CI/CD Deployment

Streamline workflows & deployment across staging and production with CLI for efficient updates while ensuring code integrity.

Frequently asked questions

What is SuprSend and why should I choose it over CleverTap?
SuprSend is a notification infrastructure platform that allows you to send targeted and timely messages to your users across multiple devices and channels. With SuprSend, you can easily create, manage, and optimize your notification strategy, ensuring maximum impact and relevance for your users. Compared to CleverTap, SuprSend offers a more streamlined and straightforward approach to managing notifications, focusing on delivering a superior user experience through highly personalized and engaging messaging.
How does SuprSend's notification management differ from CleverTap's?
Unlike CleverTap, which offers a broad suite of customer engagement tools beyond notifications, SuprSend specializes exclusively in notification management, offering advanced targeting and triggering options, multi-platform compatibility, and easy-to-use campaign creation and monitoring tools. With SuprSend, you can quickly design and launch notifications that resonate with your users, driving higher engagement and conversion rates compared to traditional mass-market approaches.
Why is personalization important in notification management, and how does SuprSend excel in this area vs Clevertap?
Personalization is crucial in notification management because it allows you to deliver messages that are tailored to each user's interests, preferences, and behavior patterns. This leads to increased engagement, trust, and loyalty among your users, resulting in better overall performance for your app or service. SuprSend shines in this regard by offering dynamic content insertion, conditional logic, and A/B testing capabilities, allowing you to craft highly targeted and nuanced notifications that truly connect with your users.
Can SuprSend handle large volumes of notifications and complex delivery scenarios?
Yes, SuprSend is capable of handling massive scale and complexity in notification delivery, thanks to its distributed architecture, intelligent caching mechanisms, and real-time event processing engine. Whether you need to send thousands or millions of notifications simultaneously, or require intricate scheduling and prioritization rules, SuprSend can accommodate your needs with ease and reliability.
How does SuprSend ensure optimal delivery and performance for notifications?
SuprSend utilizes several techniques to maximize notification delivery speed, accuracy, and efficiency, including geographic load balancing, device-specific rendering, and adaptive throttling algorithms. Furthermore, SuprSend continuously monitors and optimizes network connections, routing paths, and carrier relationships to minimize latency and packet loss, ensuring smooth and seamless notification experiences for your users.
How can I measure the success of my notification campaigns with SuprSend?
SuprSend provides detailed metrics and analytics dashboards that enable you to track the effectiveness and ROI of your notification campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, conversions, bounce rates, and revenue generated. Using these insights, you can fine-tune your notification strategy and improve your user engagement and retention rates over time.
What kind of support and resources does SuprSend offer for developers and businesses looking to implement notification management solutions?
SuprSend offers extensive documentation, tutorials, code samples, and API references to help developers and businesses quickly integrate and deploy notification management solutions. Additionally, SuprSend provides expert consulting services, developer community forums, and responsive technical support to assist you every step of the way, ensuring a successful implementation and ongoing operation of your notification infrastructure.
Who are the ideal users for Clevertap vs SuprSend?
  • Clevertap: Marketers, growth teams, and customer engagement specialists.
  • SuprSend: Developers and product managers responsible for building and managing notification infrastructure.
Which platform is easier to use, CleverTap or SuprSend?
While not a common use case, it's technically possible to leverage Braze for broader customer engagement and SuprSend for specific transactional notifications. However, this might require custom development work to ensure smooth data flow and avoid redundancy.

Implement a powerful stack for your notifications

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