SMTP Error 452

What causes this error and solutions

SuprSend provides APIs and components for you to create notification workflows that drive collaboration & actions from your users - ensuring higher product adoption.


SMTP Error 452 is a transient or "4xx" error code returned by a mail server, indicating temporary resource constraints or limits being exceeded, preventing the acceptance or processing of incoming email messages at that moment. Unlike permanent errors, SMTP Error 452 suggests a temporary issue that may resolve in the future.

What are the cases covered in SMTP Error 452?

SMTP Error 452 in phpmailer Instances & Examples:

  • Case 1: "452 4.3.2 Temporary failure, please try again later."
  • Case 2: "452 4.7.1 Greylisted - Try again in 15 minutes."
  • Case 3: "452 4.4.3 Server resources exhausted, try again in a few minutes."

What’s Causing This SMTP Error 452 In Your Servers? (in pointers)

SMTP 452 error in phpmailer can occur due to:

  • Server overload: The mail server is currently processing a high volume of incoming email traffic, temporarily rejecting new connections or delaying email delivery to manage the load effectively.
  • Resource constraints: Limited server resources (e.g., CPU, memory, disk space) restrict new email deliveries temporarily to manage resource allocation efficiently.
  • Greylisting: Some mail servers employ greylisting as an anti-spam technique, initially rejecting emails from unknown senders with a 452 error. Legitimate senders retry delivery after a delay, and the email is accepted.

How to Resolve SMTP Error 452 - Step-by-Step Solution

To address this email smtp error 452 in Jenkins servers, follow these steps:

  • Wait and retry: Since SMTP Error 452 is temporary, wait and retry sending the email later. The receiving server may resolve its temporary constraints, allowing successful delivery.
  • Check for greylisting: If suspecting greylisting, waiting and retrying the email should resolve the issue upon acceptance by the receiving server.
  • Investigate resource constraints: If you have control over the receiving server, investigate and address any resource constraints causing the error.

Say Goodbye to all SMTP Errors in Development

SuprSend eliminates the need to build and configure email servers from scratch, ensuring you steer clear of SMTP errors. Here's how SuprSend would work for your application, building a reliable notification system.
Dashboard mockup
Written by:
Sanjeev Kumar
Engineering, SuprSend

Say Goodbye to all SMTP Errors in Development

SuprSend eliminates the need to build and configure email servers from scratch, ensuring you steer clear of SMTP errors. Here's how SuprSend would work for your application, building a reliable notification system.
Dashboard mockup

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